· Your entry MUST fit the Challenge theme.

· Your entry must have been made after the Challenge theme went live, so no back-linking is allowed.

· You MUST link to our blog in your challenge entry’s post.

Thursday, 13 December 2018

Design Team Call

Good Morning!
Are you interested in joining our Design Team?  Well you may have noticed there's only 4 of us on the DT right now so I think it's time we boosted the numbers a little! If you think this is something you'd like to do then why not read a little bit of information and apply ....
The DT Call will be open until MIDNIGHT 31st DECEMBER and shall remain at the top of the blog until then. 

Here is a little bit of info of what we require from Design Team Members. Before you enter the call please make sure you can commit to each of these following points ....

* As part of being a DT Member you will be required to create 1 creation per month that fits the chosen theme.
* You must be able to use Sponsor Images when they are provided.
* You will be required to help leave comments on entries every month.

If you still think you would like to join our team then simply leave us a link to your blog so we can check out your creations!

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

December Challenge - Feeling Festive!

Good Morning!
This month's challenge is Feeling Festive!
With Christmas this month it's time to get any last minute cards and creations finished!

This month's prize is from ALL DRESSED UP and is 
This month all of the Design Team have used images provided by the sponsor.

Sponsor image used - Girls Christmas Stocking

Sponsor image used - Little Angel

Sponsor image used - Girls Christmas Stocking

Sponsor image used - Little Angel

Please remember to follow the rules you can find at the TOP of our blog before entering as sadly I have to remove a few each week simply because they haven't been followed.
Good Luck!
Natalie & The Team xxx

Please can you help make our job of leaving comments easier by turning off comment verification and enabling comment moderation instead. 
Both me and the DT try to comment on each entry submitted which can take some time, made even longer by having to prove that we are not robots lol
Simply go to Customise > Settings > Comments > Comment Moderation > Always.
This won't stop anyone leaving you a comment but it gives you the choice to approve whether or not you want them to show on your blog.
Then please scroll down to Word Verification then select No.
If word verification is left on then we may not be able to comment on your entry.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Winner & Top 3 for November Challenge!

Good Morning!
Thank you to all of you who joined in with our November challenge, it was great to see all of your chilly creations!

The lucky winner of the prize from Petal Lu is ...

The lucky winner of the prize from The Crafty Ribbons is ...

Please can you e-mail me within 14 days to claim your prize on the following e-mail ...
Please don't forget to e-mail me claiming your prize, there's been a few prizes recently that haven't been claimed by the winners!


The lucky TOP 3 from the challenge are:


VICKI (30)

MARY (55)

Congratulations to all of you & don't forget to grab your badges to display on your blogs!

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

November Challenge - November Chill!

Good Morning!
This month's challenge is November Chill!
This month we want to see creations with a chilly theme. Whether that's using images with a wintry theme, snow sports, hats and scarves or a cool colour scheme, the choice is yours!

Before I get onto the challenge I'd just like to say that Liz has decided to step down from the DT due to personal reasons, we wish her all the best for the future and the door is always open for her.

Back to the challenge and this month we have two prizes up for grabs!

The first is from PETAL LU and the prize is a

The next prize is from CRAFTY RIBBONS and the prize is a selection of these ribbons!

Please remember to follow the rules you can find at the TOP of our blog before entering as sadly I have to remove a few each week simply because they haven't been followed.
Good Luck!
Natalie & The Team xxx

Please can you help make our job of leaving comments easier by turning off comment verification and enabling comment moderation instead. 
Both me and the DT try to comment on each entry submitted which can take some time, made even longer by having to prove that we are not robots lol
Simply go to Customise > Settings > Comments > Comment Moderation > Always.
This won't stop anyone leaving you a comment but it gives you the choice to approve whether or not you want them to show on your blog.
Then please scroll down to Word Verification then select No.
If word verification is left on then we may not be able to comment on your entry.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

October's Winner & Top 3!

Good Evening!
Thank you to all of you who joined in with our October challenge!

The lucky winner of the prize from All Dressed Up is ...

Please can you e-mail me within 14 days to claim your prize on the following e-mail ...
Please don't forget to e-mail me claiming your prize, there's been a few prizes recently that haven't been claimed by the winners!


The lucky TOP 3 from the challenge are:


MERVI (58)


Congratulations to all of you & don't forget to grab your badges to display on your blogs!

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

October Challenge - Autumn Glow!

Good Morning!
This month's challenge is Autumn Glow!
This month we're celebrating the season of Autumn, whether it's to do with Halloween, Pumpkins, Cosy Clothing or Toasting Marshmallows! You could even just opt to use an Autumnal colour scheme ... the choice is yours!

This month's prize is from ALL DRESSED UP and is 

Please remember to follow the rules you can find at the TOP of our blog before entering as sadly I have to remove a few each week simply because they haven't been followed.
Good Luck!
Natalie & The Team xxx

Please can you help make our job of leaving comments easier by turning off comment verification and enabling comment moderation instead. 
Both me and the DT try to comment on each entry submitted which can take some time, made even longer by having to prove that we are not robots lol
Simply go to Customise > Settings > Comments > Comment Moderation > Always.
This won't stop anyone leaving you a comment but it gives you the choice to approve whether or not you want them to show on your blog.
Then please scroll down to Word Verification then select No.
If word verification is left on then we may not be able to comment on your entry.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Winner & Top 3 for September Challenge!

Good Evening!
Thank you to all of you who joined in with our September challenge!

The lucky winner of the prize from The Paper Shelter is ...

Please can you e-mail me within 14 days to claim your prize on the following e-mail ...
Please don't forget to e-mail me claiming your prize, there's been a few prizes recently that haven't been claimed by the winners!


The lucky TOP 3 from the challenge are:

NAT (58)

Congratulations to all of you & don't forget to grab your badges to display on your blogs!

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

September Challenge - Anything Goes!

Good Morning!
This month's challenge is Anything Goes!
A nice and easy theme!

This month's prize is from THE PAPER SHELTER and the prize is 

Please remember to follow the rules you can find at the TOP of our blog before entering as sadly I have to remove a few each week simply because they haven't been followed.
Good Luck!
Natalie & The Team xxx

Please can you help make our job of leaving comments easier by turning off comment verification and enabling comment moderation instead. 
Both me and the DT try to comment on each entry submitted which can take some time, made even longer by having to prove that we are not robots lol
Simply go to Customise > Settings > Comments > Comment Moderation > Always.
This won't stop anyone leaving you a comment but it gives you the choice to approve whether or not you want them to show on your blog.
Then please scroll down to Word Verification then select No.
If word verification is left on then we may not be able to comment on your entry.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Winner & Top 3 for August Challenge!

Good Evening!
Thank you to all of you who joined in with our August challenge!

The lucky winner of the prize from Craftie-Charlie is ...

Please can you e-mail me within 14 days to claim your prize on the following e-mail ...
Please don't forget to e-mail me claiming your prize, there's been a few prizes recently that haven't been claimed by the winners!


The lucky TOP 3 from the challenge are:


DREJA (103)

MRS B'S BLOG (117)

Congratulations to all of you & don't forget to grab your badges to display on your blogs!

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

August Challenge - Holidays!

Good Morning!
This month's challenge is Holidays!
This month I'd like to see your creations featuring a holiday theme, whether that's celebrating the Summer Holidays or getting a head start on your Christmas creations the choice is yours!

This fortnights prize is from CRAFTIE-CHARLIE and the prize is a £20 GIFT VOUCHER!

Please remember to follow the rules you can find at the TOP of our blog before entering as sadly I have to remove a few each week simply because they haven't been followed.
Good Luck!
Natalie & The Team xxx

Please can you help make our job of leaving comments easier by turning off comment verification and enabling comment moderation instead. 
Both me and the DT try to comment on each entry submitted which can take some time, made even longer by having to prove that we are not robots lol
Simply go to Customise > Settings > Comments > Comment Moderation > Always.
This won't stop anyone leaving you a comment but it gives you the choice to approve whether or not you want them to show on your blog.
Then please scroll down to Word Verification then select No.
If word verification is left on then we may not be able to comment on your entry.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.