· Your entry MUST fit the Challenge theme.

· Your entry must have been made after the Challenge theme went live, so no back-linking is allowed.

· You MUST link to our blog in your challenge entry’s post.

Wednesday, 1 December 2021

December Challenge!

  Good Morning!

It's officially the month of Christmas! I can't believe we're in December already, where has this last year gone?! It's been so great to see so many of you join in with our challenges over the last 12 months, I do hope you will all carry on playing along!

The new challenge theme this month of course is 
Christmas Time!
 This challenge's prize is from CRAFTY RIBBONS and the prize is a selection of beautiful ribbons!

Good Luck!
Natalie & The Team xxx

Please can you help make our job of leaving comments easier by turning off comment verification and enabling comment moderation instead. 
Both me and the DT try to comment on each entry submitted which can take some time, made even longer by having to prove that we are not robots lol
Simply go to Customise > Settings > Comments > Comment Moderation > Always.
This won't stop anyone leaving you a comment but it gives you the choice to approve whether or not you want them to show on your blog.
Then please scroll down to Word Verification then select No.
If word verification is left on then we may not be able to comment on your entry.

Tuesday, 30 November 2021

November Winner & Top 3!

       Good Evening!
It's time to reveal the lucky winner's from our November Challenge, everyone's entries we're beautiful!

So without any further ado, the lucky Winner is ...

Please can you e-mail me to claim your prize on the following e-mail ...
If you are chosen as our winner please remember to get in touch, unfortunately recently we've had a couple of people not claiming their prizes.

The lucky TOP 3 from the challenge are:

Congratulations to all of you & don't forget to grab your badges to display on your blogs!

Wednesday, 3 November 2021

November Challenge!

   Good Morning!

We're back to our monthly challenge this month which I'm sure a few of you will be happy about. I did receive a couple of e-mails this year saying that they'd like the challenges to return to monthly's so it's nice to know that this blog is enjoyed so much!

However I have some sad news to begin with, one of my longest DT members has decided to step down and she has been part of the team for many years, she will be missed! Please join me in wishing Rene all the best for the future, I have assured her though that there will always be a spot on the DT for her should she wish to come back!

Back to the new challenge for this month and the theme is Wonderful Winter / Feeling Festive!
It's completely up to you if you'd like to crack on with the Christmas cards or if you're not really in the spirit of it just yet then there's the theme of Winter that you can play along with.

This challenge's prize is from ALL DRESSED UP and the prize is 
All of the DT have used an image provided from the sponsor for this challenge. 

Sponsor image - Christmas Skate

Sponsor image - Christmas Snuggle

Sponsor image - Christmas Skate

Good Luck!
Natalie & The Team xxx

Please can you help make our job of leaving comments easier by turning off comment verification and enabling comment moderation instead. 
Both me and the DT try to comment on each entry submitted which can take some time, made even longer by having to prove that we are not robots lol
Simply go to Customise > Settings > Comments > Comment Moderation > Always.
This won't stop anyone leaving you a comment but it gives you the choice to approve whether or not you want them to show on your blog.
Then please scroll down to Word Verification then select No.
If word verification is left on then we may not be able to comment on your entry.

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

September & October Winner & Top 3!

      Good Evening!

I'm back on track with posting this month after being so late with everything last time, I'm sure you're all relieved not to be waiting for so long this time lol 
Without further ado the lucky winner of the prize from Crafty Ribbons is -

Please can you e-mail me to claim your prize on the following e-mail ...
If you are chosen as our winner please remember to get in touch, unfortunately recently we've had a couple of people not claiming their prizes.

The lucky TOP 3 from the challenge are:

Congratulations to all of you & don't forget to grab your badges to display on your blogs!

Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Midway Reminder Post & Some News!

     Good Morning!

I'm back today with a midway reminder post for our current challenge of 
Fabulous Fall or Happy Halloween!
 This challenge's prize is from CRAFTY RIBBONS and the prize is a selection of beautiful ribbons!

Also you'll be happy to know that as from next month we will be changing back to a Monthly challenge as I know a few of you have missed that!
 Good Luck for the rest of the challenge, all the entries so far are great!
Natalie & The Team xxx

Sunday, 5 September 2021

July & August Challenge Winner & Top 3!

     Good Afternoon!

Thank you to all of you who joined in with our July & August Challenge! Apologies for being a few days late posting this!

The lucky winner of the prize from The Paper Shelter is -

Please can you e-mail me to claim your prize on the following e-mail ...
If you are chosen as our winner please remember to get in touch, unfortunately recently we've had a couple of people not claiming their prizes.

The lucky TOP 3 from the challenge are:

Congratulations to all of you & don't forget to grab your badges to display on your blogs!


Thursday, 2 September 2021

September & October Challenge

    Good Morning!

I am so sorry for not posting the new challenge yesterday, I will admit that it completely slipped my mind! Without further ado here are the details that you need! I will be back soon with the winner details from the previous challenge ...

The new challenge theme is 
Fabulous Fall or Happy Halloween!
 This challenge's prize is from CRAFTY RIBBONS and the prize is a selection of beautiful ribbons!

Good Luck!
Natalie & The Team xxx

Please can you help make our job of leaving comments easier by turning off comment verification and enabling comment moderation instead. 
Both me and the DT try to comment on each entry submitted which can take some time, made even longer by having to prove that we are not robots lol
Simply go to Customise > Settings > Comments > Comment Moderation > Always.
This won't stop anyone leaving you a comment but it gives you the choice to approve whether or not you want them to show on your blog.
Then please scroll down to Word Verification then select No.
If word verification is left on then we may not be able to comment on your entry.

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Midway Reminder Post for the July & August Challenge!

     Good Evening!

I'm back today with a midway reminder post for our current challenge of Summer Sun! 
This challenge's prize is from 
THE PAPER SHELTER and the prize is 

Gina has joined us again for the reminder post with this beautiful card. 

Simply scroll down to the original post to join in!

Friday, 9 July 2021

May & June Winner & Top 3!

     Good Morning!

Thank you to all of you who joined in with our May & June Challenge! Apologies for being a few days late posting this!

The lucky winner of the prize from Crafty Ribbons is -

Please can you e-mail me to claim your prize on the following e-mail ...
If you are chosen as our winner please remember to get in touch, unfortunately recently we've had a couple of people not claiming their prizes.

The lucky TOP 3 from the challenge are:

Congratulations to all of you & don't forget to grab your badges to display on your blogs!

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

July & August Challenge!

    Good Morning!

It's time for a brand new challenge today, we're halfway though the year already and hopefully we're all enjoying some sunny weather!
The new challenge theme this time is 
Summer Sun!
This challenge's prize is from 
THE PAPER SHELTER and the prize is 


Good Luck!
Natalie & The Team xxx

Please can you help make our job of leaving comments easier by turning off comment verification and enabling comment moderation instead. 
Both me and the DT try to comment on each entry submitted which can take some time, made even longer by having to prove that we are not robots lol
Simply go to Customise > Settings > Comments > Comment Moderation > Always.
This won't stop anyone leaving you a comment but it gives you the choice to approve whether or not you want them to show on your blog.
Then please scroll down to Word Verification then select No.
If word verification is left on then we may not be able to comment on your entry.