· Your entry MUST fit the Challenge theme.

· Your entry must have been made after the Challenge theme went live, so no back-linking is allowed.

· You MUST link to our blog in your challenge entry’s post.

Monday 31 March 2014

Would YOU like to be part of our Design Team?

I have decided that it is time to welcome some new faces to our Design Team and what better way by doing so than by holding a Design Team Call! You may have noticed we have had a couple of ladies step down in the recent months due to other commitments so we have some spaces that need filling!

If you are interested then all you need to do is follow these simple steps:
  •  Send me an e-mail to with a link to your blog, a little description of yourself and 3 examples of work that you are most happy with.

Please note that this blog is a WEEKLY challenge blog so you would be required to provide something for each of these weeks. Of course I understand that everyone is human so exceptions will be made once in a while :)

I will keep the call open for the next few weeks until I make my mind up. Please don't be worried about applying, as the saying goes "You never know unless you try!"
Good Luck!
Natalie xxx


  1. If could give an opinion, I would really say that I envy this blog because it is really nice and neat. I hope every other blog would be like this.

    1. Thank you very much, that is very kind of you to say xxx
