· Your entry MUST fit the Challenge theme.

· Your entry must have been made after the Challenge theme went live, so no back-linking is allowed.

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Wednesday, 2 March 2022

March Challenge - Spring Flowers!

    Good Morning!

Despite the recent stormy we've had in the UK the last few days have been full of sunshine, could that mean that Spring is on it's way finally? No doubt we'l be back to stormy weather as soon as you're all reading this lol
Onto the new challenge for this month and the theme is
Spring Flowers!

This challenge's prize is from ALL DRESSED UP and the prize is 
All of the DT have used an image provided from the sponsor for this challenge. 

Sponsor image - Flower Fairy

Sponsor image - Flower Fairy

Sponsor image - Spring has Sprung

Good Luck!
Natalie & The Team xxx

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