· Your entry MUST fit the Challenge theme.

· Your entry must have been made after the Challenge theme went live, so no back-linking is allowed.

· You MUST link to our blog in your challenge entry’s post.

Wednesday, 1 March 2023

March Challenge - Spring Blooms!

 Good Morning!

This month's challenge is
Spring Blooms!
We're celebrating the season of spring and the return of all the lovely Spring flowers this month, simply include some flowers on your creations!

This month's prize is from CREATIVE SMILES and one lucky winner has a choice of either -

2 Sentiment Sets or 1 Image Set

For everyone playing along there are also some freebie sets if you click HERE.

Here is what the Design Team created this month!
Both Gina and Jayne have used sets provided by the sponsor this month.


Good Luck!
Natalie & The Team xxx

Please can you help make our job of leaving comments easier by turning off comment verification and enabling comment moderation instead. 
Both me and the DT try to comment on each entry submitted which can take some time, made even longer by having to prove that we are not robots lol
Simply go to Customise > Settings > Comments > Comment Moderation > Always.
This won't stop anyone leaving you a comment but it gives you the choice to approve whether or not you want them to show on your blog.

Then please scroll down to Word Verification then select No. 


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