· Your entry MUST fit the Challenge theme.

· Your entry must have been made after the Challenge theme went live, so no back-linking is allowed.

· You MUST link to our blog in your challenge entry’s post.

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

April Challenge - Anything Goes!

         Good Morning!

This month's challenge is 
Anything Goes!
As the saying goes, Anything goes!

 This month our sponsor is providing the lucky winner with 3 DIGI's OF THEIR CHOICE!

Here is what the Design Team have made this month to provide you with some delightful inspiration!

This month we have all used the digi 'Freshly Harvested' provided by the sponsor.

Good Luck!
Natalie & The Team xxx

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Both me and the DT try to comment on each entry submitted which can take some time, made even longer by having to prove that we are not robots lol
Simply go to Customise > Settings > Comments > Comment Moderation > Always.
This won't stop anyone leaving you a comment but it gives you the choice to approve whether or not you want them to show on your blog.
Then please scroll down to Word Verification then select No.
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  1. Participating in the April Challenge - Anything Goes can have many benefits for writers. First and foremost, it allows writers to explore their creativity and write about topics that interest them. Additionally, participating in writing challenges can help writers improve their skills and gain more exposure for their work.

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